Important about the Testing PPA
Oct 26th
I made a mistake in the version numbers in the Testing PPA which made it impossible to upgrade the packages. This has now been fixed, but you most likely need to first uninstall python-wine and vineyard and then re-install them after updating your package information. Sorry for the trouble. Good More >
New Vineyard Testing PPA
Oct 25th
There have been a few requests for a testing PPA, so that has now been created.
You can find it here or add it to your sources by running the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cybolic/vineyard-testing
sudo apt-get update
and then install Vineyard by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install More >

A bit about the new features
Oct 18th
After the somewhat disappointing release of the beta (did anyone download it?), I thought I’d tell a bit about the new features.
Steam is supported quite nicely. Steam applications and games are listed and can be run just like normal programs as well as uninstalled directly from Vineyard.
New funtions have More >
Beta release!
Oct 14th
After months of hard work I finally feel that Vineyard and python-wine are ready for a beta release.
Program adding is not enabled yet, but here are lots of other goodies: indicator support, winetricks integration, pre-installation of support packages when double-clicking an exe, new configuration options, direct ISO/BIN/NRG/IMG/MDF support for drives, More >

Opening programs
Sep 20th
How does this look to you?
Currently Vineyard doesn’t quite read winetrick’s output correctly and thinks that it crashed, but other than that it works 😉

Sep 19th
After posting the screenshot in the last post, I went through my other screenshots and found something interesting.
How did Vineyard begin you may ask? Well, it actually began as another program called WineRack around the same time as I was creating LinReaper. It initially looked somewhat like Transgaming’s Cedega and More >

Update! Now with screenshot!
Sep 18th
Yeah, I know; it’s been a while. But I’ve been busy! I promise!
Today I got some time to work on a little thing I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time. Let’s see if you can guess it from this screenshot:
That’s right, now no matter if you launch More >
A small adventure with vineyard-cli
Jun 16th
I know I haven’t made a big deal of it, but there is actually a command line tool included in Vineyard: vineyard-cli.
Vineyard-cli can create configurations, list installed programs, uninstall programs, map drives, setup virtual desktops, set audio options, set graphics options, well basically almost everything that vineyard-preferences can do so More >

Sleepless nights
May 16th
A picture speaks a thousand words:
Granted, the implementation is slightly simple right now, there is no progress bar for downloading installation files right now, but otherwise it works! I should have done this earlier…
Yes, it will be released soon, don’t worry 😉 Will hit the trunk branch on Launchpad shortly.
More >